Here's a recap of what's been going on so far...
Jackson Lee Gray was born Friday, September 25, 2009 at 7:56 pm. He was 9 pounds 6 ounces. Since then, he has been growing like crazy. He started rolling over (from his stomach to his back) at about 4 weeks and sleeping through the night at six weeks. We have been blessed with a sweet, good baby... we keep knocking on wood thinking that we are going to be in for it later. We have had our first Halloween, our first Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I feel like I am already starting to forget so many moments, so I decided it is time to start a blog. I have noticed how much you can capture in different friends' blogs. It's time we start telling Jackson's stories. He has some good ones!
He just went for his four month well check on Friday - here are his stats:
15 lbs, 1 oz
26 1/2 inches long
He is in the 92nd percentile for height - still looking like he will be tall. This was the hardest visit yet. He screamed the high pitched scream of all screams when they gave him his shots. It was like some sort of betrayal. He was in such a happy mood, kicking around and being so happy. Then, the nurse stuck him with all those needles. He was so upset. So were mommy and daddy (we were both there). But, we all survived. I swear he is cutting a tooth but there is still nothing to show for it. He is trying hard to roll over from back to stomach and has done it once using my legs... so I am not sure it really counts. He has recently started jabbering like crazy. I had hoped to post a video of his jabbering, but my computer quit on me while trying. I will try again later. Here are a few pictures from this morning... his first snow. He was in fleece pj's, fleece pants and jacket on top of that, a fleece hat, shoes, and socks (only they were on his hands). :)