Is my vacation really over... It flew by like it was nothing. So, here is a recap of my "to do" list and the progress I made.
1. We worked on self-feeding. He still isn't very good at it - still no patience, but we are still working on it.
2. Nap time is officially a routine. Diaper change, two books (including his favorite) and down he goes wide awake. The first three days were easy - hardly any protest. Day four was all crying, but he got over it both times within a few minutes. Day six was more crying with a little more consoling for the afternoon nap. Day 10 was so so - the morning was fine, the afternoon was terrible. I think he was having some kind of issue. But, all in all, he did fabulous. I even heard him playing at times before going to sleep but it never lasted more than a few minutes. I know that he will have bad days where it won't work out. If it works more than it doesn't, then I feel like I have accomplished something. Now, I just hope that sending him back to daycare doesn't mess it all up!
3. Table food - This week, we actually had two nights where he ate exactly what we ate for dinner - one night he had mashed potatoes and green beans (and a taste of the barbeque). The other night, he had baked rotini with tomato sauce, chicken and cheese. I actually did let him try the chicken. He was very good. I already mentioned that he loves the eggos - I can't get over how excited he gets for them.
4. Work on his scrapbook - that fell by the way side. I got one page done. I am going to make it my goal to do one page a week. I don't think that's unreasonable. Besides, my creativity wouldn't allow me to do much more in a week. Sad but true!
5. I didn't really get the pictures hung, but some of them have actually been placed in the rooms that they are going to be hung in. That's progress! I framed some more of Jackson's pictures.. also progress. And, in doing all that, I successfully cleaned out the dining room so there isn't stuff all over the place (just on the table where I do my scrapbooking!). :)
6. I did get some house cleaning done too!
I also managed to make it out for some errands, to see my grandfather, and to visit my co-workers so that they could see Jackson. It was a busy, busy week!
Of course - it's never truly enough. But, I feel like I did pretty well with the little time I had considering all the chasing around I had to do. Now, for an update on more important things.... JACKSON! He has learned so much this week. He is starting to crawl normally. He still finds the army crawl faster, but he will do both. He is also pretty good at moving around on his knees (upright)... which resulted in the next thing. He started pulling up to a stand this week. The first time - it was really sweet. He has bad mommyitis, especially at night. Justin was playing with him in the den while I was getting his night time bottle ready in the kitchen. He saw me and was trying to crawl over Justin to get to me. In his attempt, he ended up standing up. The second time he pulled up on the ottoman in our living room. It has happened a few more times since then, but I still haven't managed to capture it on film. I have a half-way attempt included in the pictures. It is right before he pulled up on the ottoman. Today, we discovered that he is starting to give kisses. He closes his eyes and goes for it open-mouthed and all. It's not on command, but more in response to us giving him a kiss.... so sweet! I am sure I have forgotten other things... he is just growing and changing so fast!
As a result of the pulling up, I am afraid our tile topped coffee table is going to have to go to another room. We will be getting a faux leather ottoman coffee table to replace it soon!
I think that hits the high points. I had such a fun, but tiring week being at home. It makes me sad to know how much I miss with Jackson being at daycare. I am also thankful to have had the time to spend with him.