It only takes a few times for a routine to be broken. We made a trip to Columbia on Friday. I had a pool party with friends, so we took the time to spend with Grandma and Grandpa (Justin's parents) also. We all spent the night on Friday and left at Jackson's bed time on Saturday to come back home... busy, busy weekend. Back to the moral of this story...
Friday, we stuck Jackson in the car for his lunch time nap.... car put him to sleep. Friday night, after much protest, I rocked him to sleep for bed time (bad idea). Not being at home just throws him off. Saturday, I rocked him to sleep for nap time because I didn't want to worry about him having trouble going down again. Saturday afternoon, after swimming, he pooped out laying on me for a few minutes. Then, at bed time... car put him to sleep again. This morning, Justin took him to Lowes. On the way back, Jackson fell asleep in the car... and he was transferred to his crib. This afternoon, what appears to have been a wicked stomach ache (probably induced by too much food on Saturday) made for a terrible afternoon nap in which I let him sleep with me. So, here is the moral of my long story.... The child that I worked so hard to get to the point where he would go to sleep on his own is now all messed up. I do think he is working on another ear infection, but it doesn't matter. He never has issues going to sleep by himself any more.... Way to ruin that in one weekend! So, I think we are back to square one for a few days.... and just before I leave him for the first time this coming weekend. UGH... I hope I can get it under control before we leave. I don't want to add that to that I worry about when I leave him!!
Another thing to remember - just because Jackson wants to keep eating, doesn't mean he isn't full. Apparently, my child doesn't react to being full. Thankfully, he recovered from the wicked stomach ache this afternoon. He ate a good dinner and was wide open playing for the remainder of the evening. He took a very fun bath (pictures attached). He is still super snotty and hacking his head off, so we will be paying a visit to the doctor tomorrow afternoon hopefully.
I ordered birthday invites. I was happy to come home to their arrival. Although we are only inviting family to Jackson's first birthday, I still wanted to have an invitation (mainly for his baby book). Family only will keep it simple and I am looking forward to it! I just need to perfect the cake before his big day arrives.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!