This week has been another hard one. My brother-in-law's father, Jim Polatty, died on Monday. I really should just call him my brother because the "in-law" extension doesn't really fit. Mr. Polatty had been battling melanoma and quite suddenly he lost the battle. But, I am confident that he is looking down from Heaven watching his grandbabies and enjoying everything.
Because of the weeks events, Justin, Jackson and I made the trip down to Conway to be with our family for the funeral. Jackson did so good on the way down for being such a long trip. We only had to stop once to feed and change him and he only began to fuss when we pulled into the neighborhood. He was perfect during the funeral - didn't make a peep and took a little cat nap. I am quite sure that this was almost entirely due to Meme - she knows how to make everything right. She insisted on doing it, so I took her up on it.
The funeral was one of the most meaningful that I have ever been to. Rick, my brother, spoke and gave such a moving tribute. He spoke of his faith and his dad and even added some humor to the mix. They opened the floor up for others to speak and it was so wonderful. There were two sermons from different preachers - one from the church and one from a close family friend. I think it is safe to say that there wasn't a dry eye in the church. Please keep Jim's wife Delis and Rick and my family in your prayers. I am sure this is not going to be easy for them.
Jackson enjoyed visiting with his cousins. With all the craziness, I didn't remember to take any pictures. Wyatt was so sweet with him. He kept trying to tell Andrew to look at him playing with their cousin. Grace was probably the least excited about his arrival. She was so sweet with him too, but I don't think she likes sharing Meme or her mom with any other baby! Who can blame her?! She was the baby until he came along. After having a little bit of trouble sleeping at Leslie's house and at my parent's house, I am happy to report that he had a really good night last night (at home).
Special thanks to my dad for bring Jackson and I home yesterday. Justin had to get back up here on Thursday night and I didn't think Jackson would be up for another long car trip after only one day. We stayed back to hang out with the family. On Friday morning, my dad packed us up in his car and drove us to Columbia. We spent the night there and got up Saturday morning and came back to my house. He turned right back around and drove home to be with my mom. I am so lucky to have such great parents. Thanks Daddy for taking such good care of us and getting that big load packed up in your car. We love you and really enjoyed spending the time with you! Jackson especially needed that trip to be split up.
That big load I referred to was two bins of clothes for Jackson and a few different toys to include a walker that Jackson is already thrilled about. I will be sure to get some video of him in that soon. Thank you Aunt Leslie! You have loaded us down with some great stuff and certainly saved us A LOT of money!! We love you!
Grandma has the flu. We were looking forward to seeing her on Tuesday, but, hopefully, she will be better soon! We miss you and are thinking about you! Please also pray from Great Grandma as she starts chemo this week.
Sorry this was such a long one! The pictures above are from Papa's house on Friday night (after eating green beans!). Jackson thinks balancing on his belly is fun. I think it makes him look like he is trying to be Superman. Enjoy!
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