Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010


Things are so busy lately that it is hard to find the time to update about Jackson. He is busy, busy, busy. But, what mom doesn't know that about a one-year-old?!

Today, we had his post-op tubes check up. Everything is great. His ears are clear and everything is looking good. He had a resistant strain of bacteria; fortunately, that has also cleared up on its own. I hope that means the tubes are doing their job. He has been very good lately. His teeth continue to bother him... the molars are just sitting there ready to pop through. The doctor said it could be that way for some kids... that they just sit there. UGH! Thankfully, Jackson is pretty tough and does a great job dealing with it.

A couple of weeks ago, we took a trip to Denver Downs Farm. Although he is a little young to truly enjoy all of it, Jackson really loved the pigs, goats and sheep. We even got a picture with the Tiger as it was Clemson day.

This weekend, we spent our time with family. We went down to Myrtle Beach for trick or treating and my niece's birthday. Let me say... Ocean Lakes is a wonderful place to spend for Halloween. They trick or treat from 4:30 to 6:30 every year. Lots of people decorate and everyone rides around on their golf carts with their kids. It was awesome... definitely something that I would like to continue in the future. Jackson was a skeleton. I didn't want something too complicated that he wouldn't wear. He was a trooper. We drove home Saturday night when it was time for him to go to bed. That was the way to do it for a long trip. Jackson slept and we drove. And... back in our own bed by midnight. Jackson even slept until 7:30 the next morning. He must have known that we would be very thankful for that. I forgot to mention that was his first time at the beach. He loved the sand. I can't wait to take him back when it is warm.

Other news is that Jackson is walking. He is only taking a few steps at a time, but he is working towards the real deal. He is becoming more adventurous as each day passes. He knows how to climb steps in small amounts. He climbs them at his grandparent's house. They have a sunken den, so it's only two steps at a time. Thus far, he has not seemed very interested in trying out our own steps. I have been quite thankful for that as we haven't needed to invest in very many gates. Last night, he was so busy trying to get Lucy that he started climbing the stairs so fast (I followed behind him), he was three fourths of the way up there before he realized it and then he looked up at me like... "oh no... I don't know what to do now. Get me momma". It was so sweet.

Hopefully, that covers the highlights. Here are a few pictures.

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