Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

15 Months Update

Jackson had his 15 month well check today. I realized today that I don't think I ever posted his 12 month stats. For comparison purposes, I am posting both.

12 Months

Weight: 23 lbs

Height: 30 1/2 in

15 Months

Weight: 26 lbs 1 oz

Height: 32 1/2 in

It blows my mind that he has grown 2 whole inches in three months. How does that happen? I guess 3 pounds is a good bit too, but the length is really what shocked me. Of course... his head is still measuring in the 99th percentile... lots of brains in there! :) He definitely must have been in a growth spurt between these appointments. It probably has a lot to do with how well he has been doing since having tubes. He is eating, eating, eating all the time. If this is any indication as to how he will eat as a teenager, we might go broke! After three shots, he was such a joy all day. I don't know how I lucked out with that too. He slept for over three hours when we got home. He slept so long that an afternoon nap was out of the question. I was concerned that he might be rather difficult this evening since he woke up at 1:45... he goes to bed at 8, so that's a pretty long while without a nap. Surprisingly, he was wonderful. We ran some errands and played in the house and did laundry. It was a fun day.

The fun day came after many fun days.... We had Christmas with the Gray's on Saturday, my side on Monday (after playing in the snow on Sunday), and then my sister brought her kids up for a visit for a couple of days. They left this morning. It was so nice to spend time with them. Jackson really enjoyed it. In this visit, I discovered that Jackson can be a jealous boy when it comes to his stuff. I was really surprised. I thought daycare would prevent him from being that way, but my sister had a good point. He probably is fine at daycare. He isn't used to having to share his stuff in his house. So, it definitely benefited him to have to learn to share. We have a ways to go on that score!
In the mean time, he is starting to enjoy all of his presents. I think he started figuring out the present deal as we did Christmas with different people. With us... he didn't care. In fact, he was scared of the remote control car that we bought him (a car that is specifically meant for his age). Then, at the Gray's house he seemed to show more interest in presents. Finally, at the Barnes' Christmas, it seemed he was starting to pick up on the fact that the presents were for him. He still didn't try to open any, but he became more interested in the final result. So... I know that next year will be even more fun. I am happy to report that he now loves his remote control car. He got a rocking horse that he adores (see picture attached). He got his first wagon, a lawn mower that is very noisey (thanks Grandma) and many, many other things. A few pictures of the visit with my sister and of the Christmas loot are attached. Can I just say... I want more time off!! :) Happy New Year!!

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Yes... I am slack. I have been so busy with other things lately that I haven't taken the time to post. Christmas was a whirlwind... only to make the last minute call to come back home from Cola because of snow. Luckily, we made it home in the just at the right time... if we had waited much longer there wouldn't have been any way we would have made it up the driveway. We have had a pretty quiet existance since the last post. Jackson has had bronchitis and croup (at the same time), but other than that he has been good. He is starting to try and repeat things now... book, ball, duck mostly. He is becoming consistent about saying momma. Mostly, everthing is still dat. Here is a cute video that I had to share...

It seems crazy. Justin bounced the ball off of him and he thought it was the funniest thing. It was on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve Fun from Heather Gray on Vimeo.

I will try hard to write a better post this week while I am actually on vacation. Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010


Things are so busy lately that it is hard to find the time to update about Jackson. He is busy, busy, busy. But, what mom doesn't know that about a one-year-old?!

Today, we had his post-op tubes check up. Everything is great. His ears are clear and everything is looking good. He had a resistant strain of bacteria; fortunately, that has also cleared up on its own. I hope that means the tubes are doing their job. He has been very good lately. His teeth continue to bother him... the molars are just sitting there ready to pop through. The doctor said it could be that way for some kids... that they just sit there. UGH! Thankfully, Jackson is pretty tough and does a great job dealing with it.

A couple of weeks ago, we took a trip to Denver Downs Farm. Although he is a little young to truly enjoy all of it, Jackson really loved the pigs, goats and sheep. We even got a picture with the Tiger as it was Clemson day.

This weekend, we spent our time with family. We went down to Myrtle Beach for trick or treating and my niece's birthday. Let me say... Ocean Lakes is a wonderful place to spend for Halloween. They trick or treat from 4:30 to 6:30 every year. Lots of people decorate and everyone rides around on their golf carts with their kids. It was awesome... definitely something that I would like to continue in the future. Jackson was a skeleton. I didn't want something too complicated that he wouldn't wear. He was a trooper. We drove home Saturday night when it was time for him to go to bed. That was the way to do it for a long trip. Jackson slept and we drove. And... back in our own bed by midnight. Jackson even slept until 7:30 the next morning. He must have known that we would be very thankful for that. I forgot to mention that was his first time at the beach. He loved the sand. I can't wait to take him back when it is warm.

Other news is that Jackson is walking. He is only taking a few steps at a time, but he is working towards the real deal. He is becoming more adventurous as each day passes. He knows how to climb steps in small amounts. He climbs them at his grandparent's house. They have a sunken den, so it's only two steps at a time. Thus far, he has not seemed very interested in trying out our own steps. I have been quite thankful for that as we haven't needed to invest in very many gates. Last night, he was so busy trying to get Lucy that he started climbing the stairs so fast (I followed behind him), he was three fourths of the way up there before he realized it and then he looked up at me like... "oh no... I don't know what to do now. Get me momma". It was so sweet.

Hopefully, that covers the highlights. Here are a few pictures.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tubes are DONE!

I hope this is our one and only set of tubes.... This experience couldn't have worked out any better. Jackson was supposed to be the first surgery Friday morning. He got bumped to the 9:30 slot. The good thing about that was that he was allowed to have juice at 5:30 (to finish by 5:30). So, I got him early and gave him the juice. We had to be at the hospital at 8:00. Jackson was being a pill before we left. l think he had an upset stomach... not sure. He has been battling stomach issues these days. We did really well keeping him entertained for quite some time. We met with the registration lady. She said a nice prayer with us.... that made me feel so good. He was weighed and then they put us in a small room with a tv and bed. We met with the anesthesiologist. He checked him out to make sure he seemed healthy and made sure we didn't have any questions. The staff there was wonderful. Around 9:00, Jackson started to get restless (and hungry I suspect). He was quite fussy. I held him and sang to him. He finally fell asleep about 9:20. The doctor was running behind, so they didn't come to get him until about 9:45. At that point, Jackson was hard asleep with me laying on the bed. They scooped him up from me with one of those warm hospital blankets (those of you that have had a C-section know what I am talking about). He barely peaked his eyes open and then shut them back quite content with his warm, snuggly blanket. I think the nurse just enjoyed being able to take such a cuddly little man. I kissed the top of his head and off he went (no traumatic episode thank goodness). Apparently, he didn't wake up even once they got him in the operating room. They gave him the gas and he didn't even know what hit him. After surgery (it took about 15 minutes), I saw the staff wheeling him into recovery. The doctor came and told us that he currently has an ear infection (which just reaffirmed to me that he did need the tubes) and was full of snot. They said his adenoids are small and not a problem. Everything went really well. They took a nasal culture to make sure he doesn't have some resistant bacteria that is causing him the problems (to make sure we don't need to try a different antibiotics). I was anxious to be with him before he woke up and I could see him from a distance. The motioned for us to come on over. I could hardly wait. He was sleeping like an angel. It was nap time... so I don't think they realized that not a whole lot was going to wake him up after being up so long. At first, they said that they would let him wake up on his own - that he would wake up happier that way and that the longer he slept the better it would be. After a few minutes, they realized he wasn't waking up on his own. There was nothing wrong - he was just sleeping, all snuggled in blankets. They decided to start taking off the stickers (that were monitoring his heart rate, etc). That woke him up. I immediately scooped him up and he didn't even know that anything had happened while he slept. It was great! We gave him a couple of sips of juice and realized he was fine... then, got him dressed, gave him his milk while we walked out. Although those were the hardest 15 minutes of my life, it could not have gone any better. The staff and doctors there were really fabulous.

After all of the morning's events, we drove home while he drank his milk. We got home and I fed him a large lunch. Then, we went to pick up his medicine. When I realized that he was acting just fine, we exchanged some clothes at Belk. I decided he needed a treat, so we stopped by a local bakery and bought him a cupcake. By the time we got home, it was clear that he was tired, so I put him down for a nap. The remainder of the day he was such a delight... didn't act like a thing was wrong. In fact, he was better than he has been in a while (for that long of a period of time). I don't know if what they did gave him some immediate relief or what. He didn't seem to be in any pain. I have to give him drops in his ears three times a day. I will say that he hates that. It does seem to hurt him, but he gets over it pretty quickly. I will be happy to be done with that on Monday. Today, he has been a delight as well... just awesome. I have really enjoyed spending time with him. He was a little whiney this evening, but he didn't take a great afternoon nap, so I am sure that was the issue. It was short-lived. He has played and played and played. Thank goodness!!! We go back for a follow up on November 1st. Please pray that everything heals up well and that the tubes do their job. The pictures included are from yesterday.. the day of the surgery. As you can see... he is a HAPPY BOY!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I have been slack...

... But this is still going to be a short one. It's been crazy busy lately. When I have a free moment, I just want to RELAX!!
We have been trying to navigate stomach issues lately. I think Plum juice (let's be honest - it's just prune juice) is our trick. Apple juice just hasn't cut it. The plum juice seems to be working much better. When Jackson has a stomach ache, it just breaks my heart. He screams and actually writhes in pain. In these events and also when he gets upset in general, he gets mad at me when he figures out that I can't fix it. He wants me to hold him and then pushes me a way... it's like a vicious cycle. I put him down, he reaches for me... I pick him up, he pushes me away. IT'S AWFUL!
He still isn't walking. That's ok. He will walk when he is ready. He is getting more confident... I know he could do it if he would just try. I am not going to wish for it too much because I know the running after him is just going to get harder once he can really walk. He runs around everywhere pushing his cars. It's hilarious. We did buy him his first pair of shoes this weekend... so we are ready! Plus - it's getting cold. He really needed some shoes to wear to school.

One of his favorite things to do is to play peek a boo using his big tiger (big enough for him to ride). He looks under it looking for you and then stands up to look for you over it. It's so cute. I have attached a picture of him looking under it.

Lastly, we had spaghetti for dinner tonight. SUCH A MESS! He really enjoys feeding himself, so no matter how messy he gets, we just deal with it! I am just thankful that he seems to be a good eater (loves his veggies, fruit, meat... whatever).

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday!

In between stomach aches, molars, and ear infections (tubes are on the way soon), Jackson still managed to have a fun birthday yesterday!! My parents, Justin's parents, my sister, brother-in-law, two nephews, and niece all made it up for Jackson's big day. Jackson woke up from him morning nap ready to party! He had his first "Nathan's" hot dog for lunch. After everyone finished lunch, he had cake. He didn't dive right in like I expected. He just looked at it until I gave him a taste. That was all she wrote. He dove in and would have eaten it all if I had let him. Needless to say, he did not sleep the rest of the day except for a brief ride in the car around 6 (and was perfectly content to be awake and play). He was on a sugar HIGH! Here are a few pictures of our fun...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Coundown Begins...

Jackson will be one in just a few days. I can hardly believe it. I just hope and pray that he stays well for the big event and that the two molars that have been trying to pop through will hurry up and get here before Saturday!!

Speaking of teeth... I don't really understand it. Jackson still only has two teeth on the bottom, but he is trying to sprout the fifth and sixth teeth on top. I guess that's just how it goes, but it cracks me up how he still has to push all the food to the front to chew it (if he tries at all!). I am also happy to report that we are on day four without a bedtime bottle.... and completely on milk (no formula). I am very excited. It wasn't too hard. But, he is still very mad at me. He is not reaching for the dresser in search of the bottle any more. But, he still won't snuggle up to me after I read his bedtime books to him. Justin reported that he will snuggle up to him. I guess he knows that it's really my fault! Hopefully, he will be over it soon. I wanted to make sure that he was good and over it before his birthday.

The celebration will be a modest affair - family only. But, I still can't wait. Fortunately for us, I discovered a great present for Jackson via a work friend. Attached are pictures of Jackson enjoying his present early! It's going to be a busy week getting ready for the party.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This Morning...

Jackson woke up fussing this morning at about 5. I didn't try to get him back to sleep in his bed. I just brought him back to bed with me. He rarely wants to sleep with me and the little bit that we do it in the morning (mostly on weekends) isn't going to hurt anything! So, thankfully, he went back to sleep with me. I was able to slide him over to Justin so that I could go make all the lunches for us all and then take a shower. After all that, I was sure he would be awake when I got out of the shower. But, nope! He was passed out with Daddy. I got two pictures and he didn't even budge. I love it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fun day Friday

We went to the doctor for a re-check on Jackson's ears. He has been plagued by ear infections lately. Apparently, he meets the criteria for a referral to the ENT. So, we will be visiting the ENT soon. While I hope he doesn't need tubes, if he does, we will deal with it. There are much worse things in life to deal with. After our visit to the doctor, we played (see video attached) and I actually had time to cook dinner while he played in the kitchen. I hardly ever get to cook dinner in time for Jackson to eat it. I cooked a pasta bake of sorts with ziti and chicken. Jackson LOVED it. He couldn't get enough.

On another note... it's GAME DAY! Go TIGERS!!! I hope Jackson wants to watch football today, because that's what we plan on doing - too many good games on not to check them out!!

Box fun from Heather Gray on Vimeo.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun Labor Day

Thankfully, Jackson seems to be getting better as each day passes. I am hesitant to look inside his mouth to see if the molars have popped through. We had a fun day today... particularly a fun night. The pictures are for Nichole and Greg - they gave Jackson his first tailgating chair as well as a football. I have been eyeing these chairs, so I was very excited to see it! Thanks Nichole!

Working on it... from Heather Gray on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy...

As usual, it has been a crazy couple of weeks. Let's recap...

I was supposed to leave Jackson for the first time a little over a week ago. It was a couple's trip to motorcycle races in Indianapolis. Let's be honest - I don't have a lot of interest in motorcycles, but I was going for the company (my hubby!). The wife of the other couple dropped out at the last minute, so it became a boy's trip. Although I missed the time with Justin, I was also just fine spending the weekend with Jackson. It was quite the fussy weekend, but he is trying to cut his top molars. I tried to keep him busy. We walked every day. We ran errands every day... and of course, we played. After a weekend of whining, he woke up Monday morning with a low grade fever.... so off to the doctor we went. He had an ear infection in both ears. The doctor said it wasn't too bad. She prescribed antibiotics and we went on our way. I put him to bed Monday night thinking he would be back at daycare the next day. WRONG! He spiked a fever of 104.4 in the night. It scared us to death. After some motrin and a bath at 2 in the morning, his fever did go down below 104 (but not much below). He battled a fever from Tuesday until Thursday evening. Finally, we went back to the doctor after making it long enough that the doctor thought that it was odd that he still had a fever. I am not convinced that he didn't have some other virus going on too because he was having some stomach issues. Well, it turns out that the antibiotics weren't helping, so they gave him a shot of antibiotics. Those shots must hurt pretty bad, because I can honestly say that I could not calm him down and he was really mad at me. Thankfully, Justin came to the rescue.

Saturday (also known as GAMEDAY!!), we drove down to Dreher Island for my nephew's fifth birthday. We battled whether or not that was the right thing to do. The last fever he had was Friday morning. At the end of the day, we thought maybe it would be good for him to get out of the house for a little while. I know he was probably getting stir crazy from having felt so awful and being confined to the house. We had a quick, nice visit that clearly wore him out. It was great to see all the family and friends that were there. He is still whiny today. Thankfully, my friend Nichole (and her fiance Greg) didn't hold it against him. They came for a visit to meet my little joker. They brought him his first Clemson football chair and big football. Pictures will come soon of that.

At this point, I am not sure if I should just blame the whining on the molars or if his ears are still bothering him. I hope it is just his teeth. And... I hope those teeth pop through as soon as possible... I am tired of the whining!! It's starting to wear me down. Tomorrow, I hope our day is uneventful and whine free! I really just want him to be well again. It's so sad to see him feeling bad. I just want him to feel like his fun self again.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Note to Self...

It only takes a few times for a routine to be broken. We made a trip to Columbia on Friday. I had a pool party with friends, so we took the time to spend with Grandma and Grandpa (Justin's parents) also. We all spent the night on Friday and left at Jackson's bed time on Saturday to come back home... busy, busy weekend. Back to the moral of this story...

Friday, we stuck Jackson in the car for his lunch time nap.... car put him to sleep. Friday night, after much protest, I rocked him to sleep for bed time (bad idea). Not being at home just throws him off. Saturday, I rocked him to sleep for nap time because I didn't want to worry about him having trouble going down again. Saturday afternoon, after swimming, he pooped out laying on me for a few minutes. Then, at bed time... car put him to sleep again. This morning, Justin took him to Lowes. On the way back, Jackson fell asleep in the car... and he was transferred to his crib. This afternoon, what appears to have been a wicked stomach ache (probably induced by too much food on Saturday) made for a terrible afternoon nap in which I let him sleep with me. So, here is the moral of my long story.... The child that I worked so hard to get to the point where he would go to sleep on his own is now all messed up. I do think he is working on another ear infection, but it doesn't matter. He never has issues going to sleep by himself any more.... Way to ruin that in one weekend! So, I think we are back to square one for a few days.... and just before I leave him for the first time this coming weekend. UGH... I hope I can get it under control before we leave. I don't want to add that to that I worry about when I leave him!!

Another thing to remember - just because Jackson wants to keep eating, doesn't mean he isn't full. Apparently, my child doesn't react to being full. Thankfully, he recovered from the wicked stomach ache this afternoon. He ate a good dinner and was wide open playing for the remainder of the evening. He took a very fun bath (pictures attached). He is still super snotty and hacking his head off, so we will be paying a visit to the doctor tomorrow afternoon hopefully.

I ordered birthday invites. I was happy to come home to their arrival. Although we are only inviting family to Jackson's first birthday, I still wanted to have an invitation (mainly for his baby book). Family only will keep it simple and I am looking forward to it! I just need to perfect the cake before his big day arrives.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I am going to try and keep this brief because it has been a LONG weekend and I need to relax a little before bedtime. The last couple of weeks have been crazy. Jackson came down with a virus right after getting over the ear infection. Then, he got yet another ear infection and I believe he is cutting teeth... as usual. We paid a visit to Columbia this weekend for a visit with some friends. Jackson made his debut to several of them which was pretty fun. He did great with all the people - was social and outgoing after taking it all in. After protesting his afternoon nap while out of town, he went to bed with no trouble (thank goodness!). We were prepared to get in the car and drive home if he didn't want to sleep.
Jackson is starting to be difficult when it comes to lunch/dinner time. Honestly, after trying table food, I think he just wants no part of baby food. Additionally, I really think he just wants to do it himself. That is going to present a challenge for daycare initially as I figure out what I will need to pack him for lunch. Breakfast isn't going to change for now... and this week, he is still getting baby food for lunch. I tried out something new for dinner tonight - canned mixed veggies. He was very pleased to eat by himself. He also has taken quite a liking to cheerios. These are a few pictures of his adventures this weekend...


Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Part Two of Pictures

10 Months Old!

Jackson is officially 10 months old - 2 more months and we will be celebrating his first birthday... WOW. My baby boy is growing so much, so fast. We had a very busy weekend. Friday night, Justin and I had a date night while Grandma had a date with Jackson. We take any date night we can get!! Saturday, we drove down to Columbia and spent the day visiting with Grandma and Grandpa. Jackson enjoyed the visit and especially enjoyed playing with Zeke. After a long day on the road, Jackson stayed up late playing when we got home. I think he was just so excited to not be in the car any more that he was wide open. We had a blast playing together. Then, today, we went to a birthday party for a friend's two-year-old boy. It was at the Greenville Zoo - zoo first and then party in one of the shelters at the park/zoo afterwards. It was quite a hot, busy weekend. But, it was fun.

Jackson has become very fascinated with learning what kinds of things he can do with his new found talent of standing up. Trial and error means that he has taken a few hard hits here and there. He still thinks he is invincible though. The last couple of days he has been quite amused by standing up and immediately sitting down over and over and over and over again. It's hilarious. Jackson had an ear infection this week - so we had a visit to the doctor. He weighed over 22 lbs (I think it was 10 oz, but not sure). He's just growing, growing, growing. He is graduating to the next room at daycare tomorrow. I am a little concerned because they seem to only want to have them take one nap a day. Jackson still needs two naps a day. We will see how it goes. My biggest problem with daycare has been that they have not been able to get him on a good nap routine. I don't understand it because he is such a good baby at home. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt since daycare is completely different and I can't know how he is there without being there myself. Ultimately, I am a control freak and I just don't like not being able to make sure that he is on his routine there too.

Above are a few pictures of our weekend. I have to post them in two different posts - there are so many good ones!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Morning Nap

I failed to mention in yesterday's post that the naptime ritual I established on my week off is still in place. I was so afraid that being back at daycare would mess it all up. My mom (Meme) made Jackson a pillow shortly after he was born. For awhile, we used it to help prop him up in things when he was still not very good at sitting up on his own. I noticed it in the pack n' play yesterday and thought that would be something good to add to his crib - that maybe he might like it in there now. This morning, I laid him down for his nap - awake of course. After I had sorted laundry, I walked by his room to find this....
I snuck a quick picture with no flash - praying it didn't disturb his slumber. Isn't he sweet laying on the pillow?!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary - to Leslie and Rick today and to Justin and I on Monday. Seven years ago, we arrived in Las Vegas for a fun trip and a perfect wedding! I can't believe how far we have come. This year - through it's ups and downs has led us to be a family - not just the two of us any more. I am so thankful for my family.

I had thought we might take a little road trip this weekend. But, as all things have been lately, the minute I even think about a trip, Jackson takes a turn. The snot turned on this morning. He's been running a low grade fever. I think it all results from the teeth that are coming. One tooth on top has popped through and I suspect two more on the bottom are well on their way. I can only hope that he sleeps good tonight. Attached are three pictures - two from yesterday, one from today where it is pretty clear that he isn't quite himself.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Vacation Recap

Is my vacation really over... It flew by like it was nothing. So, here is a recap of my "to do" list and the progress I made.

1. We worked on self-feeding. He still isn't very good at it - still no patience, but we are still working on it.

2. Nap time is officially a routine. Diaper change, two books (including his favorite) and down he goes wide awake. The first three days were easy - hardly any protest. Day four was all crying, but he got over it both times within a few minutes. Day six was more crying with a little more consoling for the afternoon nap. Day 10 was so so - the morning was fine, the afternoon was terrible. I think he was having some kind of issue. But, all in all, he did fabulous. I even heard him playing at times before going to sleep but it never lasted more than a few minutes. I know that he will have bad days where it won't work out. If it works more than it doesn't, then I feel like I have accomplished something. Now, I just hope that sending him back to daycare doesn't mess it all up!

3. Table food - This week, we actually had two nights where he ate exactly what we ate for dinner - one night he had mashed potatoes and green beans (and a taste of the barbeque). The other night, he had baked rotini with tomato sauce, chicken and cheese. I actually did let him try the chicken. He was very good. I already mentioned that he loves the eggos - I can't get over how excited he gets for them.

4. Work on his scrapbook - that fell by the way side. I got one page done. I am going to make it my goal to do one page a week. I don't think that's unreasonable. Besides, my creativity wouldn't allow me to do much more in a week. Sad but true!

5. I didn't really get the pictures hung, but some of them have actually been placed in the rooms that they are going to be hung in. That's progress! I framed some more of Jackson's pictures.. also progress. And, in doing all that, I successfully cleaned out the dining room so there isn't stuff all over the place (just on the table where I do my scrapbooking!). :)

6. I did get some house cleaning done too!

I also managed to make it out for some errands, to see my grandfather, and to visit my co-workers so that they could see Jackson. It was a busy, busy week!

Of course - it's never truly enough. But, I feel like I did pretty well with the little time I had considering all the chasing around I had to do. Now, for an update on more important things.... JACKSON! He has learned so much this week. He is starting to crawl normally. He still finds the army crawl faster, but he will do both. He is also pretty good at moving around on his knees (upright)... which resulted in the next thing. He started pulling up to a stand this week. The first time - it was really sweet. He has bad mommyitis, especially at night. Justin was playing with him in the den while I was getting his night time bottle ready in the kitchen. He saw me and was trying to crawl over Justin to get to me. In his attempt, he ended up standing up. The second time he pulled up on the ottoman in our living room. It has happened a few more times since then, but I still haven't managed to capture it on film. I have a half-way attempt included in the pictures. It is right before he pulled up on the ottoman. Today, we discovered that he is starting to give kisses. He closes his eyes and goes for it open-mouthed and all. It's not on command, but more in response to us giving him a kiss.... so sweet! I am sure I have forgotten other things... he is just growing and changing so fast!

As a result of the pulling up, I am afraid our tile topped coffee table is going to have to go to another room. We will be getting a faux leather ottoman coffee table to replace it soon!

I think that hits the high points. I had such a fun, but tiring week being at home. It makes me sad to know how much I miss with Jackson being at daycare. I am also thankful to have had the time to spend with him.