Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

15 Months Update

Jackson had his 15 month well check today. I realized today that I don't think I ever posted his 12 month stats. For comparison purposes, I am posting both.

12 Months

Weight: 23 lbs

Height: 30 1/2 in

15 Months

Weight: 26 lbs 1 oz

Height: 32 1/2 in

It blows my mind that he has grown 2 whole inches in three months. How does that happen? I guess 3 pounds is a good bit too, but the length is really what shocked me. Of course... his head is still measuring in the 99th percentile... lots of brains in there! :) He definitely must have been in a growth spurt between these appointments. It probably has a lot to do with how well he has been doing since having tubes. He is eating, eating, eating all the time. If this is any indication as to how he will eat as a teenager, we might go broke! After three shots, he was such a joy all day. I don't know how I lucked out with that too. He slept for over three hours when we got home. He slept so long that an afternoon nap was out of the question. I was concerned that he might be rather difficult this evening since he woke up at 1:45... he goes to bed at 8, so that's a pretty long while without a nap. Surprisingly, he was wonderful. We ran some errands and played in the house and did laundry. It was a fun day.

The fun day came after many fun days.... We had Christmas with the Gray's on Saturday, my side on Monday (after playing in the snow on Sunday), and then my sister brought her kids up for a visit for a couple of days. They left this morning. It was so nice to spend time with them. Jackson really enjoyed it. In this visit, I discovered that Jackson can be a jealous boy when it comes to his stuff. I was really surprised. I thought daycare would prevent him from being that way, but my sister had a good point. He probably is fine at daycare. He isn't used to having to share his stuff in his house. So, it definitely benefited him to have to learn to share. We have a ways to go on that score!
In the mean time, he is starting to enjoy all of his presents. I think he started figuring out the present deal as we did Christmas with different people. With us... he didn't care. In fact, he was scared of the remote control car that we bought him (a car that is specifically meant for his age). Then, at the Gray's house he seemed to show more interest in presents. Finally, at the Barnes' Christmas, it seemed he was starting to pick up on the fact that the presents were for him. He still didn't try to open any, but he became more interested in the final result. So... I know that next year will be even more fun. I am happy to report that he now loves his remote control car. He got a rocking horse that he adores (see picture attached). He got his first wagon, a lawn mower that is very noisey (thanks Grandma) and many, many other things. A few pictures of the visit with my sister and of the Christmas loot are attached. Can I just say... I want more time off!! :) Happy New Year!!

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Yes... I am slack. I have been so busy with other things lately that I haven't taken the time to post. Christmas was a whirlwind... only to make the last minute call to come back home from Cola because of snow. Luckily, we made it home in the just at the right time... if we had waited much longer there wouldn't have been any way we would have made it up the driveway. We have had a pretty quiet existance since the last post. Jackson has had bronchitis and croup (at the same time), but other than that he has been good. He is starting to try and repeat things now... book, ball, duck mostly. He is becoming consistent about saying momma. Mostly, everthing is still dat. Here is a cute video that I had to share...

It seems crazy. Justin bounced the ball off of him and he thought it was the funniest thing. It was on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve Fun from Heather Gray on Vimeo.

I will try hard to write a better post this week while I am actually on vacation. Merry Christmas!!!